Guitar Lessons, Vocal Lessons, Ableton Live 10 Recording lessons and studio time and help available
During the Pandemic I am able to give Zoom, Google Hangout, Face-time and other on line lessons.
Performing and Ableton Recording
What Do i wear? & other studio tips and logistics
JandB Studio is now located at 11291 Belleharbour Cove near Parkview PRMC. I encourage parents or family to sit in on the lessons. Parental involvement has been proven beneficial time and time again for children’s development in any area of education. Yes-Fine Arts including music are important in education and can effectively reinforce or even heighten development in other areas, especially math. By the way be careful with loose sweaters and the sort for playing guitar. Casual wear is fine for learning guitar.
If your child uses his/her knowledge from guitar and switches to another instrument my feelings won’t be hurt. Many talented kids play a variety of instruments as they develop. The lessons will be a half hour long and I will constantly evaluate the student in their strengths and weakness, likes and dislikes to accomplish their goals and hopefully beyond what they thought possible. If you have multiple children and want to sit in on the lessons, I just ask that the other children don’t distract your student. This is his/her time and probably your money so you and the student want to get the most out of the experience. I have children and have been where you are, so I understand. It’s a tricky situation with multiple children and if we work together it can be a win-win situation. Remember if a parent is at the lesson, it is like getting two lessons for the price of one. The more you learn and remember the more you can help your child. Hey, maybe you can get good enough to moonlight as a musician and pay for more lessons!

More Details
Parking: You can park in our driveway next to the side door or there is another spot behind our garage. We share our driveway with our next door neighbor so we try to make sure there is a path for them and my wife to get in and out. After you park just go in the side door and come downstairs. If it is before your time I have chairs outside the studio and pretzels and water to hold you over.
My fee is at $20.00 per half hour. I have checked around and find this price very reasonable. I have an advantage having the lessons in my own studio, because obviously I don’t have to rent out my own studio; however, the space is dedicated and not used for other purposes (like for an air hockey or pool table my son would like). I don’t ask for the money in advance as some studios do, but a second lesson without money may be cause for a wait listed person to take your spot. I do expect to hear from you at least one week in advance if there is an extracurricular school or other conflict. You need to manage your time and anticipate homework – that is not a valid excuse and you will be charged for the lesson if missed. Both of our time is valuable. With adequate notice, I can attempt to rearrange or fill your spot. Of course I do understand there is the possibility of waking up the day of your lesson feeling sick.
I just want to impress my girlfriend/boyfriend and do I have to read the music too?
Jeff will cater your lesson to the style, speed and goals in which you pick.
Jeff can prepare you for reading music, playing by ear, playing chords, learning scales, music theory, relationships in the music business, starting a band and can give you some pointers on singing with your guitar if needed. (He was a vocal education major at Ball State University)
The preferred and most complete way to learn is to do all the above at a rate comfortable for you, but he will work with you in what makes guitar fun to you as an individual.
So who is Jeff Myers and what is JandB Studio? Why does Jeff think he is better than my brother who plays a mean Guitar Hero?
Jeff Myers has been involved in music and in teaching for a very long time. Jeff started playing guitar at the age of 7. He joined his first band in middle school. They were called Action and Reaction and played mainly Beatles and Beach Boy tunes. In high school Jeff joined the well known regional country band Joe Taylor & the RedBirds. He moonlighted with a few friends in a heavy metal band called RELEASE who played original material along with a few cover tunes. At this time Jeff got to play with renowned local drummer Phil Henschen who has played with City Lights and many prominent bands. After graduating from North Side High School, Jeff went to Ball State University where he received a Music Education Area K-12 degree. He also minored in classical guitar.
After returning home to Fort Wayne in 1984 he was asked to join a local band called Headwind and played lead guitar and sang until 1994. During this time he also began leading music for St. Jude Church Bible School and did so for 30 years. Jeff also taught General Music, choir and band at St. Jude school for 4 years before becoming Mr. Mom while playing with his band, He also began playing guitar sing-alongs with the young children at Bunche Montessori. Initially it was for his daughters classrooms and later for his sons pre-school/kindergarten class.
In 1994 Jeff and another band mate from Headwind, Mike Snyder started the band called The Answer Band. Mike died of cancer a year later and the band continued in his name until the end of 2008 when Jeff retired from performing and began teaching guitar lessons to wonderful students like you.
Jeff led the music for the Youth masses at St. Jude for the past 20 years as well. He also taught guitar classes at Bunche/Towles Schools for 4th, 5th & 6th grade classes for around 10 years. Since 2017 Jeff now also performs for Audience Unlimited Inc.
In 2019 Jeff opened up a recording studio and has written and produced over 70 songs, 5 albums, 3 compilation albums and will finish a 6th album, 3 more compilation albums and a 2 year project song of performers from his family collected from around the country.
He now has turned to video production of all his songs.