Jeff Myers Songwriting And history of songs
The Final Answer
(album 1)
*Decade many written 70’s
decade of age recording 50
Alyssa Ankenbruck created the art work for the first album “Final Answer” Going, Gone Gone/ All Joy;I Swear;Unity;You’ll Never Make It;Off the Street(and On the Road); Guinea Pig Joe,; Don’t Let It Die and Lady(Maybe)

(album 2)
*decade many written 70’s
decade of age recording 50
Ronnie Record Created the art work for the second Album “70502” Let U Be (On our way); Long Long time; City at Night; She Waits; How Many Songs?; The Event; In the way we try: Winter’s Waiting;Ripples of A Lost Smile

(Album 3)
*Decade many written 70’s
Decade of age Recording 50
Brenda White created the Photography for the third Album “70503” Loveshine; If We Care; Back To You, Pave the Way, Without Love, Birthday Card, Face the Fire; Beg, Steal or Borrow; Goin’ Down South; I’ll always love you; Reflections in My Mind;Those Green Eyes and *City at Night (actually this song was accidentally left off the 2nd album)

Compilation Album
Jammin’ Jeff Myers-Rockin’ It
This album consists of all the “Rockers” from the first three albums

Compilation Album
Brenda’s Songs
This Album consists of all the Love Songs written about and for my wife brenda. The last song “How many songs can I write about my love.” The answer right at this moment is 11.

For You (album 4)
Korinne Ellert is the artist for you (Album 4). Sail Away; Bless his Heart; Look into Her Eyes; On the Run; divoc 91; that’s Just the Way it Goes; The Castle; Lovey Dovey; We All Love; Without End; Spring is Here; Treasure and In the Morning

Compilation Album
Jammin’ Jeff Myers-Rockin’ It 2
This album consists of all the “Rockers” from the first three albums

Compilation Album
Brenda’s Songs 2
This Album consists of all the Love Songs written about and for my wife brenda from the last three Albums

Compilation album
Chillin’ with Jeff 2
This album consists of Chillin’ songs from the last three albums

Give Me 5 cover design by Jeff Myers
Whisper, My Angel, Bruce & LeeAnn’s Song, Ruth’s Poem, Bring it Back, It’s Us, Because She’s Gone, Rock it On!, Crying in the Wind, Lover’s Pain, The Best in Life, Alone in Love & Adventure to Serenity

Album #6 Everybody Knows, San Frito Way, Free and clear, Happiness is sharing, Thank You, Scratch,Bop & Jive, Welcome Home To Jamaica, Living N Living, Storm is a Comin’, The Zone, all My Love, When the Sun goes Down, I’ve Got More Money than you (he’s a jerk!)

Songs oldest to newest

Going Going Gone
Fun Rockin' Song I wrote as a teenager apparently I felt I was unfairly treated be a girl.
Please listen and enjoy!

All Joy
Song title derived from my parent's names Al & Joyce. An instrumental with many guitar harmonies and sounds representing the many facets of family life.

Ride A Sunray
A happy, silly and rockin' song produced by Mike Snyder and Headwind (Tim Barnhart, Rich Furnis, Jim Courtney and my wife Brenda) and recorded at Sweetwater when it was a house on Getz Road

Look At Sarah's Smile
The other side of the "45" recorded at Sweetwater. This song ponders the thought that there is always someone worse off than you no matter how bad it seems.

Guinea Pig Joe
A song about our late Guinea Pig named "Myers" Joe is his stage name. Features awesome singing by Rory Kelly, Sully Hogan, Teddy Henry and Franklin Henry. This is dedicated to my 3 beautiful children Ashley, Andrea and Alex.

Ripples of A Lost Smile
This is a song about mental health struggles and suicide, with the ripples affecting family, friends and beyond. It is dedicated to my sister Penny Rodriguez and my cousin Lori Weaver and to all the families that have dealt with Suicide.

Winter's Waiting
A song about Brenda and I's long distance relationship in college. This song is referred to in the previous song "Unity".

I Swear
I woke up with this tune in my head. It is about a cheating guy who gets caught and has to change his lying tune.

Final Answer Album/Where will You Go Now?
This is the "Final Answer" on a few takes with these songs. It features another song called "Where Will You Go Now? This song is about coming to a fork in the road with your quest to reach your dreams. Will you do what it takes to get there? Or do you choose a different path? A remake of a song by H.E.R. & Daniel Caesar featuring Jill Solloway is on this album. As is a song by Birdy called "Tee Shirt" featuring Mia Ankenbruck. All the art designing is done by Alyssa Ankenbruck.

She Waits
A more elegant way of saying "Old Age ain't for Wimps." As my parents age and frankly as I age I understand the wisdom and strength it takes to become elderly and face the end of your time here on earth.

City at night
A modern day "Sixteen going on Seventeen" As Jeff warns Brenda of the perils of going off to college.

Let us be (On our way)
A Rockin' Song about the struggles and work it takes for a relationship. Features guitar solos, harmony guitars and some wild wah wah guitar at the end.

70502 (album #2)
Album #2 artwork by Ronnie Record-(City at Night) was left off by accident but will appear on album#3.

I'll Always Love You
Another song about my beautiful wife Brenda.

Face the Fire
This is a song I collaborated with Phil Henschen, Mikael Bennerhed and Jeff Neeley in the heavy metal band "Release" back in 1980. The song is about overcoming obstacles and fears to be the best that you can be.

Bless His Heart
This is a song about missing my brother who I lost to heart complications in 2019.

Pave The Way
This is another song that I collaborated with Phil Henschen, Mikael Bennerhed and Jeff Neeley. This song points out that everything you overcome and achieve can help pave the way for others.

This song is happy, uplifting and smile inducing. The opposite of Covid-19 in many ways.. Out of my comfort zone with mostly synthesizers and a little guitar.

that's Just the way it is
Life can stink sometimes but that is why this isn't heaven. At first look a depressing song but the message of faith in God's love and the promise of heaven is the real meaning.

It sounds like a good song for the end of a scary Stephen King movie. (I've read all of his books) A song about a man desperately needing a word of support from a long lost love. It is up to you whether she has left him or is she deceased?

Adventure to Serenity
A Song you can use to meditate and relax

A Rockin' instrumental! Being in the zone on guitar is like any Hoosier being "In the Zone" in basketball.

Storm is A Comin'
I wrote this song a month before the Delta Variant wrecked havoc on us. I had much angst over politicians not letting us protect ourselves and people that were pretending they were vaccinated and not following guidelines.

This is basically me getting a new toy (Vocoder) and writing a song for it. It actually is a cool dance, techno song. The song is about finding myself and in this case the song slowly morphs to my roots of guitar.

Living N Loving
Your basic love conquers all song. Life can be tough but just keep living and loving each other!

I've Got More Money Than You (He's A Jerk!)
A spoiled rich guy tells you about all he has that you don't and then...?

If I get permission from the old "Release" band I would like to try to resurrect their song "Uxorius" This will be a long project because it is a complicated song.